"אדם ממשיך לחיות בלבבות אלה שהשאיר מאחור"
/ תומאס קמפבל
"לזכרם של 98 הנשמות היקרות שאבדו.
לכבודם של כל מעגלי החיים שלנו שהפכו בלילה אחד למשפחה אחת.
לכבוד החיים עצמם הממשיכים לפעום בלבבות"
/ Thomas Campbell (1777-1844)
"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die."
"In memory of the 98 precious souls that were lost.
In honor of all our circles of life that became one night in one family.
In honor of life itself, which continues to beat in hearts"
העמוד הזה מוקדש לזכרן של 98 הנשמות שמצאו את מותן באסון קריסת מגדל שמפליין דרום ב- 24.6.2021
This page is dedicated to the memory of the 98 souls who died in the Champlain South tower collapse disaster on 6/24/2021
May their soul be bundled in the bundle of life
תהיה נשמתם צרורה בצרור החיים
Luis Fernando Barth Tobar - 51 years old
Catalina Gomez Ramirez - 45 years old
Valeria Bart - 14 years old
Mercedes Fuentes Urgelles - 61 years old
Raymond Urgelles - 61 years old
Arnold "Arnie" Notkin - 87 years old
Maria “Myriam” Caspi Notkin - 81 years old
Harold Rosenberg - 52 years old
Lisa Rosenberg - 26 years old
Benny Weisz - 31 years old
Julio Velasquez - 66 years old
Angela Velasquez - 60 years old
Theresa Velasquez - 36 years old
Marina Restrepo Azen - 76 years old
Vishal Patel - 42 years old
Bhavna Patel - 36 years old
Aishani Gia Patel - 1 years old
Richard Rovirosa - 60 years old
Maria Teresa Rovirosa - 58 years old
Andres Levine - 26 years old
Moises Rodan - 28 years old
Mihai Radulescu - 82 years old
Maria Popa -79 years old
Cassie "Cassondra" Billedeau Stratton - 40 years old
Rosa Saez - 70 years old
Margarita "Maggie" Vasquez Bello - 68 years old
Francis Plasencia - 67 years old
Hilda Noriega - 92 years old
Miguel Angel Pazos - 55 years old
Michelle Anna Pazos - 23 years old
Anastasia Gromova - 24 years old
Miguel Kaufmann - 65 years old
Gabriela Camou - 64 years old
Alfredo Leone - 48 years old
Lorenzo de Oliveira Leone - 5 years old
Gino Cesar Cattarossi - 89 years old
Graciela Ponce de Leon Cattarossi - 86 years old
Andrea Maria Cattarossi - 56 years old
Graciela Maria Cattarossi - 48 years old
Stella Cattarossi - 7 years old
Judith Spiegel - 65 years old
Estelle Hedaya - 54 years old
Nancy Kress Levin - 76 years old
Jay Kleiman - 52 years old
Frankie Kleiman - 55 years old
Anna Ortiz Kleiman - 46 years old
Luis A. Bermudez Ortiz "LUIYO" - 26 years old
Leon Oliwkowicz - 80 years old
Cristina Beatriz Elvira - 74 years old
Nicole Doran-Manashirov - 43 years old
Ruslan Manashirov - 36 years old
Manuel “Manny” V. Lafont, Jr. - 54 years old
Andreas K. Giannitsopoulos - 21 years old
Fabian Nuñez - 57 years old
Andres Galfrascoli - 44 years old
Sofia Galfrascoli Nuñez - 5 years old
Marcus Joseph Guara - 52 years old
Anaely Rodriguez - 42 years old
Lucia Carolina Guara - 11 years old
Emma Carina Guara - 4 years old
Luis Sadovnic - 28 years old
Nicole Langesfeld - 26 years old
Edgar Gonzalez - 44 years old
David Epstein - 58 years old
Bonnie Epstein - 56 years old
Antonio Lozano - 83 years old
Gladys Lozano - 79 years old
Oresme Gil Guerra - 60 years old
Beatriz "Betty" Rodriguez - 52 years old
Magaly Elena Delgado - 80 years old
Gonzalo Torre - 81 years old
Maria Torre - 76 years old
Claudio Bonnefoy - 85 years old
Maricoy 'Maria' Obias-Bonnefoy - 69 years old
Juan Alberto Mora - 80 years old
Ana Maria Mora - 70 years old
Juan Alberto Mora Jr. - 32 years old
Stacie Fang - 54 years old
Sophia Lopez Moreira - 36 years old
Luis Pettengill, 36
Leidy Vanessa Luna Villalba - 23 years old
Alexia Maria Pettengill - 9 years old
Anna Sophia Pettengill - 6 years old
Luis Lopez Moreira III - 3 years old
Michael Altman - 50 years old
Tzvi Ainsworth - 68 years old
Itty Ainsworth - 66 years old
Gary Cohen - 58 years old
Brad Cohen - 51 years old
Deborah Berezdivin - 21 years old
Ilan Naibryf - 21 years old
Gloria Machado - 71 years old
Simon Segal - 80 years old
Linda March - 58 years old
Richard Augustine - 77 years old
Elaine Lia Howard Sabino - 71 years old
Elena Chavez - 87 years old
Elena Blasser - 64 years old